Monday, April 28, 2008

Challenge 9

This is our current challenge. A new challenge is posted every Sunday. Scroll down to view previous challenges.

Trudy came up with our challenge for us this week!

"With my husband's family visiting from Utah this weekend, and the joy and happiness Iam feeling because we are able to be with them, I decided to have this week's challenge be on families. My exisitance today would be worthless without my family and the love I feel when I am around them and knowing they love me unconditionally. The definition of family in the dictionary was defined as "two or more persons related by blood, marrigae, adoption and residing together". I have my own definition of family: Families are ordained of God. Families uplift each other. Families strengthen one another, support each other, love each other. Think about how you feel when you are around you family. When you are with your family, you are in a "safe" environment, a safe haven from the world. You are loved beyond measure. You can be your true self. Our families are who we want to be with for eternity. I love my family beyond description of words, with every fiber of my being. I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for sending me to a home with goodly parents, a home where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the center of of the home. I am so grateful Heavenly Father has given me the priviledge to have my own family. We are striving to become an eternal family, one day at a time." - Trudy.

Great challenge. Thanks, Trudy.

I always look forward to seeing what everyone creates. Be sure to share your work! Not sure how? Follow the instuctions at the top right. Thanks for joining us in leaving a legacy of faith!