Saturday, April 5, 2008

Challenge 6

This is our current challenge. A new challenge is posted every Sunday.Simply scroll down to view previous challenges.

All weekend I have been able to enjoy the LDS General Conference. Listening to our leaders and Prophet inspire, encourage, and guide us I felt that a great challenge this week for us would be - Follow the Prophet. I would like to challenge you to focus on words from any of our wonderful prophets that have touched your heart and given you direction in your life or instructions that we have been given that you have followed.
I found this awesome example on Faith Sisters, an inspirational site for faithbookers. I contacted Wendy and she generously allowed me to share her work with you. I found it so inspiring, I just had to share it with you.

"I decided to use the topic of a talk given by the President of my church, Gordon B. Hinckley. The talk focused on 6 "be's" - be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, and be prayerful. Whether you are of my faith or not, the "be's" are a great summary of how to be a good person and live a good life -- good general advice.
The journaling in my album comes straight from President Hinckley's talk. The photos are just random photos I love of my kids. Each page has a simple design, and of course, each page has a bit of machine stitching (my favorite technique). I want the kids to look at this book often, and I want it to last a long time, so I used lots of mod podge so the pages would be protected. When the pages were finished, I couldn't fit the original binding rings back on, so I used some large rings from Junkitz (and my cropodile tool) to bind the album.
We'll put this little album in our church bag for the kids to look at when they're having a hard time holding still and listening during sacrament meeting. :o)"
- Wendy Anderson

To enjoy more of Wendy's work visit her blog-Just Me and My Little World.
You can also see close-up pictures of her album here in the Faith Sisters gallery.

I look forward to seeing what everyone is inspired to create. I have more than one project in mind for this one! Be sure to share your work we would love to see it!


The Walker Family said...

I love this challenge. I already know what I'm going to do!